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April 30, 2006

Only in Amsterdam

Picture 106.jpg

A Giant Windmill

Picture 139.jpg

A Lilly named Juan

Picture 168.jpg

A playground IN the water

And finally...

Picture 181.jpg

A muffin called a "Space Cake"
disclaimer: GFPIV cannot be held accountable for results occuring from combination of Playground and "Space Cake"

Wish you were here! XO

April 27, 2006

Jag er går till Sverige i nästa vecka!

Anyone want to visit me in Sweden next week?

Current weather in Lund, Sweden

Click for Lund Lth, Sweden Forecast

April 25, 2006

Opie & Anthony Return To CBS Radio

CBS Press Release

XM Press Release

April 23, 2006


Fun in Amsterdam...


April 18, 2006

Random Cell Phone Pictures: 1





April 17, 2006

Successful DB Conversion: Berkeley to MySql


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